Northwest Legends Club Meeting Minutes
(October 2, 2021) 


Meeting called to order at 6:09pm by our President, Bill Nelson at Roundtable Pizza, in Burien, WA. 

The October Club Meeting was attended by 14 members. 

No guests and no new members attended this Club Meeting.  

Bob Stevenson  read the Secretary’s report which included a summary of the September meeting minutes. 

Bill Nelson read the treasurer’s report as Tom Willett was not present. The report was accepted as presented.  

Bill Nelson reported that there was no correspondence received recently. 

There was no guest speaker for the month of October. 


2022 EVENTS – Wally reported that our 3 main car show events (Tigers on the Columbia, American Muscle Car meet at Griot’s, and the NW Muscle Car Meet at XXX Root Beer) will be held as usual in 2022. Dates are being finalized for the muscle car shows, and the Tigers show will be Memorial Day weekend. 

2021 Christmas Party – Bill Nelson reported that he has made arrangements with the Thunderdome Car Museum in Enumclaw for our Christmas party on Dec 11th. He will be finalizing details with the caterer (EJ’s) and the museum in the next week or so. A motion to have the party at that location with an expected cost to members of $40 each was made, seconded and approved by voice vote. Melinda Gale suggested that we have some type of charity donation such as a toy drive. She volunteered to coordinate this effort. Bringing a toy to the party was suggested. More details will follow in the newsletter.
























Bill Nelson
asked if we were still obligated to support the education donations that we had done in the past. This still needs to be investigated. The club would like to support this effort as club funds allow. Bill would like the club treasury to have a certain minimum balance at the end of the year. 



Bob Stevenson suggested a movie night if we could host one, and possibly watch the movie “Driven”, which is about John Delorean and his involvement in a drug deal to save his car company. Noteworthy is the fact that one of the movie’s stars is a red 1966 GTO. We might try to have a “drive in” movie night.

 Bill Nelson announced that this is “membership season” and encouraged all members to renew their membership. Wally added that the process is simple to do through the website and he will be sending an email blast to all members to remind them to renew. Doing this online saves time and work by the membership volunteers.

Bill Nelson also reminded those present that all club officer positions are open for nominations if anyone is interested in one of the positions. Duties are in the club Bylaws, which can be accessed on the website. Elections will be held at the Christmas party and winners announced at the party.

50/50 RAFFLE:   The 50/50 raffle was won by Don McLaughlin.

SHOP TALK: Wally and Bill shared shop talk stories.  

The club’s business meeting adjourned at 8:05pm by our President, Bill Nelson. Our next business meeting will be on November 6th at the Roundtable Pizza in Burien.